Whats Going On?
Newsletters provide information about what’s happening at Williamsburg Village, and occasionally the Williamsburg vicinity. They are provided by the Board of Directors to guarantee clear visibility into how the community is managed and what the Board is doing. Just as important, they are a standing invitation to owners to participate, share ideas, help make the community better for everyone, and to attend board meetings.
Be sure the community Manager has your email address so newsletters can be delivered to your inbox.
What to Expect from your Home Owners Association
The most successful HOAs operate like a business: where the Board has the power to do more than enforce CCRs and collect dues. They make decisions that can transform their neighborhoods into great places to live.
Whether you’re looking to learn more about your community or want to become a board member yourself, here are a few things to expect from your HOA Board.
Every successful community has a vision of where they are going and how they want to get there. Homeowners should be encouraged to participate with the Board.
Community leaders should be dedicated to protecting and enhancing the property value and assets in the association.
Keeping members informed is key to getting homeowners involved and building a successful community. Share the good news as well as the bad news. Find the communication channels that work in your HOA, and start using them.
Most HOAs publish a document that clearly outlines the rules and guidelines that govern the community. Ask about any points that you don’t understand. Attend Board meetings. An open dialogue is the best way to keep things visible and clear.
Succession Plan
Your HOA Board should have ongoing plans to cultivate new leaders. Too often, existing leaders resign without replacements. A formal succession plan ensures the transfer of valuable information, and new ideas and leadership help keep the HOA vibrant.
Participating in your community takes time and a lot of commitment. But, it’s the member’s involvement that keeps the association moving forward. Working together, your HOA can become a neighborhood that all members enjoy.
Homeowner Associations (HOAs) have become more prevalent in recent years than ever before as people turn to the community lifestyle. But, many homeowners don’t think about what a community does beyond maintaining and protecting property values. It’s surprising how many homeowners don’t know what their community can do for them … and vice versa … what they can do for their community.
When you understand your role and what to expect in the association, you’ll find that there’s always something to do. Volunteering to be a Board member is one of the best ways to get involved in the community. Sign up for a committee. Attend association meetings. Getting involved helps you learn about issues facing the community and reveals opportunities to make your HOA a better place.